Thursday, April 17, 2008

God likes me? PART I

Col 3:1-4
Since, then, you have been raised with Christ,
set your hearts on things above,
where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.
Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.
For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.
(emphasis mine)
"...raised with Christ?", " died...", "...your life is now hidden with Christ in God?" What in the world does all this mean? To the believer in Jesus, this passage can make perfect sense - but only if we understand it in this light: God now deals with us, addresses us in a totally new way: as His precious and dear children that He delights in. Yes, He actually likes us.
It's like this: since I became born again, when I believed in Jesus, God sees me, speaks to me, deals with me, addresses me as His dear child that He thoroughly delights in [that He likes]. It means that when he addresses me, He focus is on "the new person" that I now am and it's never on the sin. Now I didn't say that He doesn't address the sin, or doesn't deal with the sin. It's just that now, He doesn't focus on or personify the old man (remember, he's dead). Here's a literal translation of a verse that expresses the Father's heart (from an Old English version) -
Ps 130:3-4
If iniquities Thou dost observe, O Lord, who doth stand?
But with Thee [is] forgiveness, that Thou mayest be feared.
Youngs Literal Translation
The Apostle Paul says, "For you died..." What? I feel pretty much alive. What does this mean? It means that my heavenly Father is ever speaking to me - not to the "old me" (the me I was before I was a believer) - but to the new me. The real me...the bran' new man. The one who is "risen with Christ" and whose life is "hidden with Christ in God."
2 Cor 5:17-18
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation;
old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.
The Greek word for "all" means "all!" All things have become new. The way God sees you, treats you, deals with you, that has become new too!. The reason the Christian may not be hearing Him is because he's listening with my "dead man" ears -- the ears that are not only deaf. They're dead! No wonder we can't hear Him sometimes! We need to listen with the awakened, born again ears that He's touched and made alive.
Bringing this simple truth to mind makes all the difference in the world: that I am now, as He says, "risen with Christ," and that I have been crucified with Christ and that I'm this renewed person that God thoroughly delights in, that God looks at me as His dear one, and deals with me that way and now according to my sins or inconsistancies. When I bring this to mind, I start to hear Him again (He's not mute, you know...He is speaking to us). It' s in this "secret place" or "hidden place" with God that I find the greatest communion.
Ps 91:1
He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High
Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
It's only when I remember this that I find myself drawing close to my Heavenly Father - whether in my quiet time, or during the day. In other words, whether it's with God or with people, I will always gravitate toward, move toward, want to be around the one who actually likes me. Conversely, I will tend to avoid, not want to be around someone who doesn't like me. And don't think that this doesn't apply to God. As much as we know we ought to draw near to Him, boldly, and often, think about it - do you find yourself doing this often? Not in theory, but in reality? In a reverent, yet relaxed way? Drawing close to Him, jumping into His deep love and acceptance for you? Jumping on the Father's lap, knowing that He's delighting in you as you do?
Ps 37:44
Delight yourself in the Lord
and he will give you the desires of your heart.
But I do find myself delighting in Him in that reverent, relaxed communion the moment I bring to mind that God, who created me for His pleasure, actually likes me; He likes to be with me, likes my presence, my heart, my voice... me! I do tend to avoid communing with Him if I think that I'm just a bother; someone to be tolerated; a pain in the neck. I find myself "delighting in the Lord" much more when I realize that He's not just tolerating me - He enjoys my presence and I enjoy His!
What does it mean to be liked by God? It means that He will always look at the best in you. If He tells us that love "believes all things," then God, being love ("God is love" 1 John 4:8b), certainly practices what He preaches and believes the best in us. It also means that He will never reject you - ever. That He will always treat you as one who is precious to Him.
When I start actually believing this truth (that God not only loves me, but likes me), and started wearing this, I felt so comfortable in His love I heard my heart say, "So, what's not to like?" That didn't last long. I immediately start thinking (with a little help from the Accuser) of all those things about myself that are inconsistent, weak and pathetic. "That's what's not to like!" is what the personified flesh says. But, I get victory if the next thoughts are, "Yeah, but that's not what God focuses on. That "old man" who personifies those inconsistent, weak and pathetic ways is dead to God! That's just not how He sees with me!"
And even though I confess sins to Him (I don't pretend the sins and inconsistencies aren't there), His voice to me, His heart toward me is always void of condemnation and full of grace. He is speaking, and will always and only speak to me as His dear child, his delight. So, indeed - what's not to like?

I challenge anyone reading this to discuss this thought with God and ask Him, "Do You always focus on and address the real me - the born again me? And do You really like me? Then, listen to how He responds to you. Maybe if you hear Him saying to you, "Of course I like you! I made you in My image, unique, and likable. What's not to like?", you might actually find yourself drawing close to Him more and more. Give it a test. First thing in the morning, acknowledge that you are a total delight to your Father in heaven, and then bring that thought to mind throughout the day. Then see if you find yourself communing with Him more. You'll eventually find out that it's the truth anyway, whether you believe it or not.

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