Wednesday, June 06, 2007

What is Church

What IS the church? What DOES God say the church is? Has the church been re-defined by culture? Is the church as powerful as God intends it to be? Or, is it weak? Why is it that Christians seem to hop around from ‘church’ to ‘church’? Could it be that many Christians are really just "dating the church" as Joshua Harris writes about in his book entitled, Stop Dating The Church?

As lead pastor of DSC I believe that…

THE CHURCH IS PEOPLE, NOT A BUILDING Dallas Willard has said we are at the mercy of our thoughts. If we embrace a false perspective of Church, it will ultimately lead us to a false experience as the Church. "When we define church as a place we visit, a program we attend, a pastor we follow, or by our personal preferences, we miss God's intentions. The Church is God's people." This is what the Apostle Paul said to the Corinthians:

"The churches in the province of Asia send you greetings. Aquila and Priscilla greet you warmly in the Lord, and so does the church that meets at their house." 1 Cor 16:19

Now, how can a building, or a house meet in a house? The church met at their house. It was people that met in their house. The church is people; a community of people that are committed to the Lord and to each other.

A common pastime of Christians today is "Church-hopping" - going to this church for the teaching, this church for the "worship," and another church for the "fellowship." At first glance, this sounds great— but it’s like a bachelor having many girlfriends and never settling down… "I like Suzie because she’s fun, and I like Judy because she’s serious and contemplative, and I like the way Sally looks." All the pleasures of relationship with no commitment. The problem is, it’s shallow. And our love affair with shallow living keeps us from the abundant life Jesus offers us. The mature believer knows and has experienced this fact of life: the rich life Jesus offers comes only through commitment—whether it’s in a marriage or with people at a local congregation. And our commitment to Him is first and foremost. When the church is being the church, there will be a real sense of family.

IT'S A FAMILY (with a purpose), NOT A SOCIAL CLUB
When we understand that Church is not a building, but people, and that the abundant life is experienced in committed relationships, we then are positioned to enjoy the richness of our extended family—God’s people—caring for each other, being real with each other, and joining together to shine His light—helping others to know Him.

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