Saturday, December 29, 2007

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

In The Trenches Together: True Friends

There are many kinds of friends: high-school friends, friends you grew up with, fair-weather friends and then, there are true friends. And among true friends there are friends that are distant and there are friends that are with you in the trenches; friends that you are partnering with. The "partnership-friends," mainly those who are in your congregation*, are to me the truest friends.

[*your congregation: fellow followers of Jesus with whom you meet on a regular basis to worship God, learn of His word and encourage one another; believers to whom you are committed, and leaders to whom you are submitted]

What makes a friendship rich and meaningful is when two people are going in the same direction together, fulfilling the same purpose. Jesus has many people who believe in Him and therefore, are going to heaven with Him, but friendship with Jesus is conditioned upon partnership with Him in His Kingdom work - in loving one another. He said,

"You are my friends if you do what I command...
...this is my command: Love each other.
John 15:14, 17 (emphasis mine)
The key word here is "if." Friendship with Jesus is conditioned upon our joining Him in His love for people. So, true friendship is connected to partnership - two people going in the same direction, with the same purpose, the same heart, in the trenches together. Jesus is first a friend to us - by giving His life for us. When we believed in Him, we were then open to hear Him invite us to be a friend to Him. Taking Him up on that invitation and committing to follow Him wholeheartedly, your whole life makes you His friend. It's upon this friendship/partnership with Jesus that we develop true friends - Kingdom friends.

My truest friends are those believers in my congregation that have been with me through the years: when I'm at my best, and when I'm at my worst...through times of celebration and through very difficult times. People who are committed to me and I to them. And I'm blessed to have friends like this in my congregation - like the couple who drove with me and my wife to the doggie shelter when we had to put our little dog down and helped me dig the hole to bury her. Or the couple who will listen to my wife and I when we need to get some feedback and counsel. Or the men that I meet with on a weekly basis that hold my foot to the fire and I them. And on and on I could go.

I'm a bless'd man because I have some true friends in the Kingdom, in our congregation. A brother told me the other day: "Michael, you're first my friend, then my pastor." Some pastors might be offended by this. I was honored. Why? Because one only needs to be a part of our congregation to call me pastor, but for one to call me his friend, that takes time, commitment, working through conflicts, spending time with, "being there" for, and earning trust.

So, how do you know if you have that kind of friend? [speaking to guys now...some tuff, if you can't take it, proceed no further] If you're a believer who has left a fellowship and didn't stick around because there was a conflict, you missed a golden opportunity to develop a true friendship. What will it take to get started again? Stop bein' such a wimp and get back into the battle!
Enough of this, "Well, I was hurt, so I left the church." That's baby-talk. What kind of a man does that? I'll tell you what kind of a man - a "girly-man" that's who. Men ought to use the testosterone God gave them to aggressively move in to messy situations and bring order to them. Did you confront the one who hurt you and really try to work it out in a Biblical way before you left the congregation? If you didn't, then you've never grown up. You're a wimp! Grow up! [to women reading this: relax, guys can take this kind of talk].
Josh Harris summed up this problem in title of his book: Stop Dating Your Church. People who are not committed to a local congregation cannot experience these true frienships. They have a "dating" experience with a congregation and will never experience the richness of true friendship that only committment brings. They're floaters. A "floater" is one who goes from congregation to congregation, one who is afraid to commit, afraid to allow someone to really know him, afraid to meet with men on a regular basis and be real, vulnerable.
If that's the case, then, unless there is a change, the chance of experiencing this kind of true friendship is about 0%. But, if one overcome his fears, and works through hurts and rejection and inner vows (i.e. "People hurt me when I opened up to them and I'll never open up to another person - ever!!!"), and starts being that friend to others, that man will be amazed at how many true friends he will have in his life.
Is there someone in your congregation that really knows you? That you could pour out your heart to and he would listen to you? That has cared about you enough that, rather than bailing when there was conflict, he talked with you and worked it out with you? If you have a man like this in your congregation, then you have a true friend and you are a rich man. If you don't, well, it's not to late to start. But this is rare.
The good thing about true friendships is this: anyone can develop these true friendships. The prerequisite is: one first must be sold out to the Lord and committed to the congreation in which God planted him. If that's in place, then just start by being that kind of friend to people.
"A man that has friends must show himself friendly..."
Proverbs 18:24 (KJV)
Don't wait for one to pursue that kind of friendship with you. Stop waitin' and start initiatin'. And, it's not only worth it, but I've seen no other way that this true friendship can be experineced. It's there waiting for you. The real question is: "Do you want it, or will you let your fears control you?"
O.K. Maybe your lack of commitment was done in ignorance. Maybe you didn't know that you, as a man of God, were required to press in and do all you can to work things out rather than to put your tail between your legs and flee. Maybe you didn't know the Biblical way of how to deal with conflicts. But, for the sake of Christ and His Kingdom, you don't have to continue in this ignorance. The Body of Christ needs some examples of men who won't wimp out and will stay the course; those who put feet to the word committment and who work out conflicts - who develop true Kingdom friendships. Will you be that example? It's in these friendships that the world takes notice and recognizes that we are truly His disciples, His friends.
"By this all men will know that you are my disciples,
if you love one another."
- Jesus
John 13:35

Saturday, December 08, 2007

These Are The Glory Days

Glory Days -
Golden Days of Super Heroes
Do you remember that scene - Mr. Incredible walks into his office at home and glances at the framed magazine cover of Glory Days hanging on his wall - featuring Mr. Incredible himself on the front cover. And now that those days are over, he's constantly looking back -- longing for The Glory Days again. He was no longer doing the heroic, noble, dangerous stuff. The manly stuff.
Well, there'll be a day when we'll no longer have the opportunities to do those heroic, noble, faith feats - the hard stuff, like loving when it's hard to love, like forgiving, like persevering and having patience, like suffering persecution for Jesus' sake, like all the stuff that takes faith, and courage and love. In the Kingdom to come, this stuff will all be easy.
The believer may say, "YES! And I can't wait for heaven! Can't wait until all this is over. Just beam me up now, Captain! Get me out of this evil mess!" Whoa! Not so fast. Don't get me wrong; that longing is good, to want to be freed from this crazy body of sin, to be away from all the evils in this world, to long to be with Jesus in His kingdom to come. But that good longing may be blinding us to a truth that God is wanting us to see and embrace.
And that truth is: there are golden opportunities only in this life - holy character building times that this life affords and that will never be repeated - not in heaven, not ever again - for all eternity....that there is something about these evil days we live in that are golden opportunities which will never come our way again...that we will be in heaven looking back at these days and calling them "The Glory Days" or, the days of glorious opportunities that worked a God-blessed- character in us...days that we will never be ours again.
And doesn't it make sense? Character is developed in adversity. There will be no adversity in heaven. Therefore, this unique working of Jesus' character can be worked in us in only in this life - not in the next. And it's this "proven character" that works in us hope:
"...and not only this, but we also glory in our tribulations,
knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance;
and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope;
and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God
has been poured out within our hearts
through the Holy Spirit who was given to us."
Rom 5:3-5 (emphasis mine)

So, what will cause us to "glory in our tribulations?" Knowing that we will have the character of Jesus worked in us, and that these "Glory Days" are the only time in which we will have this opportunity for God to work that character into our souls. And this character is what will be rewarded in the life to come. Who will Jesus want to sit with Him in rulership in the Kingdom to come? Who will Jesus say, "Well done" to? Who will Jesus invite to celebrate with Him at the great banquet in glory? It will be those who appreciated these days as the "Glory Days" and invested their lives in His Kingdom and partnered with Him in His love for people. That's who.
The days in the Kingdom to come will be the "glorious days," but the days we live in today are the "Glory Days."
Will we wait for the Kingdom to come to look back at these days and finally appreciate the opportunities that were afforded us in this life? If today (instead of waiting until we get into heaven), we would understand that the "Glory Days" are here and now - in this life - we might find ourselves "cashing in" on those once-in-an-eternity opportunities that come our way through trials, tribulations and scary moments; the opportunities in which character is built, and rewards are won. And we only have one shot at this: This Life. God, by His indwelling Holy Spirit, has given us a power beyond ourselves to love, to suffer, to do great things for Him - or, as Mother Teresa said, to " little things with great love." By God's grace and power, we can be those super-heroes to children looking for that role model, or to those in your home, at your workplace, in your congregation, in your neighborhood.
So, he who has an ear, let him hear: if the building of character and the attaining of reward is something you value, you will be needing some encouragement in this battle. Those who do not value these things pretty much think heaven is going to be "a wash." Sadly, they think that all Christians will have the same degree of character in heaven; the same reward: the affirmation ("Well done.."), the celebration (at the Great Wedding Feast) and exaltation (that close position with Jesus - being a co-ruler with Him). But that's not what I see in the Scriptures. Only the conquerors, the overcomers (and not every Christian) will be the ones who will be chosen by the Father to co-rule with Jesus. Jesus said, .
"The one [that individual] who conquers [or, overcomes],
.I will grant him to sit with me on my throne,
.as I also conquered and sat down with my Father on his throne.
.He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches."
Revelation 3:19-22 (emphasis mine)

If you do have that ear to hear, I hope this song I wrote will encourage you (words are complete, music is being worked on...)
The Glory Days

Jesus left His glory above
On the cross displaying such love,
which He knew would lead to a greater glory.
And when we push aside the glory this world affords
Living only for His eternal rewards
we’ll be found co-writing His great love story

Character is only developed
in the midst of adversity
And when we’re glorified there’ll be no more opportunity
Faith will be natural, love – effortless
But today we’re surrounded by sin
So, if we follow Him well
In the face of all of hell
There’s a glory that’s worked deep within.

Yes, these are The Glory Days, today
When we’re in heaven we’ll look back and say
"Those were The Glory Days --
When it took
everything in us to trust and obey
To love the unlovely, to work hard and pray..."
O’ these are The Glo-ry Days – today!

Why is it so hard for us to see
This “vapor” here compared to eternity,
so be sober, be watchful, take heed
Only one life, it soon will pass
Only what is done for Christ will last,
and's not even guaranteed.

This life - a time of testing for you and me
A time for investing in eternity
'Cause when we’re glorified, there’ll be no more opportunity
The devil will be bound
The world a happy place
The flesh will be glorified
And this is the only time for this kind of glory to be worked inside

Yes, these are The Glory Days, today
When we’re in heaven we’ll look back and say,
"Those were The Glory Days -
When it took
everything in us to trust and obey
To love the unlovely, to work hard and pray..."
O’ these are The Glo-ry Days – today!

For there will never be a time like this to glorify our King
To do noble deeds - to lift our voice and sing
praises to our God when all hell is breaking out around us
There will never be a time like this to learn how to care
To be vulnerable, courageous and even dare to share
His Word - for we’ll be in a place where love will always surround us
So stop complain’ we’ll soon be reignin’ in the Kingdom to come
Let’s stop askin’ Him to "beam us up" – ‘cause that’s just dumb
Let’s just keep our eyes on the prize, and give our all to the Lord.
Let’s stop the “ain’t it awful” sessions -- what good is it for?
The evil, yes, it’s ugly -- but one day it’ll be no more
And there will never ever be another time like this

to go for His reward.
So, keep running this race with all your might
Lift up your head, walk tall, and get back into the fight
For the time is short and you have a battle to be won

And the greatest joy we’ll bring to Jesus Christ, our Lord
Is when He grants us, on THAT DAY, His full reward
Let’s give the Father a good reason to say "Well done!"

Yes, these are the days to give our all to the Lord
So when we see His face we’ll have less regret and more reward
Come on now -- these are the days to give our all to the Lord
So when we see His face we’ll have less regret and more reward

Yes, these are The Glory Days, today
When we’re in heaven we’ll look back and say
"Those were The Glory Days --
When it took
everything in us to trust and obey
To love the unlovely, to work hard and pray..."
O’ these are The Glo-ry Days – today!

© 2007 Michael J. Ledner

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Selfish People Anonymous

Hi. I'm Michael, and I've been sober for about 10 minutes....actually, maybe 7.

I'm one of those people who want to care deeply, but see myself with this addiction to "me" - to "selfishness." Admitting this, I can get on with life and be sober for long periods of time - partnering with Jesus in this awesome business of caring for others - thinking about others before myself. I don't call my tendency toward this ungodly selfishness a "disease," though it's "like" a disease - for it effects every part of my being. It's due to the Fallness of my soul (which I inherited), and yet, I don't have to yield to this pull of selfishiness - which is constantly in me:

" I find this law at work: When I want to do good, evil is right there with me..."
- The Apostle Paul, Rom 7:21

I can overcome these pulls by first admitting that there is indeed this tendency to be utterly selfish in every situation I'm in. Then, if I cling to the Lord for His power to overcome, He will shower me with His grace to overcome. Also, I learn to overcome accusation, guilt and shame by taking responsibility for every selfish action I act out, by repenting of the core sin - which is a floundering in my commitment to my Lord (which I can't blame on my fallenness or on a disease). By confessing my sin and thanking my Lord for the blood that "...cleanses me from all sin" (1 John 1:7-10), the enemy can't harrass me with his accusations.

Don't get me wrong; thinking of one's self is not always wrong. There is a sort-of "sanctified selfishness" - as long as what I'm doing is for my true greatest good -such as: growing in character. The pursuit of character growth is an unselfish goal becuase this is God's desire for me. Character is what we bring into glory with us, and proven character is rewarded. To puruse God's reward (verses man's reward) is a noble thing.
And what is the eternal reward that God encourages me to pursue? It's His Affirmation (hearing from Him "...well done..." given only to the believers who overcome - Matt. 25:21), the Celebration (an invitation to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb - given only to the believers who overcome - Rev. 19:6-9), and Exaltation ("...come take your place of intimacy with Me - of co-rulership" - reserved only for the believers who overcome - Rev. 3:19-22). I'm learning to embrace God's reward (not man's) through Jesus Christ, to cleave to Him, and do whatever He says. As I do, He teaches me how to grow in this area of truly caring for people... for it's only in caring that I am delivered from my selfishness. This proven character only develops in me as I'm faithful in each task and as I puruse caring for others for the sake of receiving God's reward.

Overcoming these selfish pulls and living for Jesus' promised reward is the best thing I can do for myself, and the best way to glorfiy God - for God is most glorifed in our caring for people - with the same love that He loved us. Overcoming these pulls for Jesus' promised reward is doing what's best for myself in an obedient way (He commands us to love one antother, to overcome and to pursue His reward), verses the selfish way of putting my ego, or my pride or my conveniences or comforts above others.

Until I'm glorified, there is much godly character awaiting to be developed in me as I overcome these selfish pulls here and now...a character that can only be developed in the midst of these pulls... in this life - not in the next. This life, with all its struggles and turmoil, is the only time we have to develop this character. One can not develop this charater in "glory" because all the sinful pulls within, and all the evils of the world, and all the demons will be absent. And remember, this character can only be developed in the midst of adversity and opposition. We will one day look back at these days of trial and tribulation as "the Glory Days." I want my life to count for all eternity, and I don't know if I even have another full day left. Time to get one with this business of caring while I still have breath.

One day I'll be delivered from all these selfish pulls. Until then, thank You Lord for this once in a lifetime opportunity to go for that great eternal reward by trusting you in the midst of my crazy selfish pulls and overcoming them by caring for others.. for it's only in caring that I am delivered from my selfishness.

I'm Michael. I'm a selfish person. I've been sober for about 15 minutes now. ... actually, maybe 12. My higher power is a resurrected person. His name is Jesus.

P.S. It may be encouraging to know that the Apostle Paul was a member of "Selfish People Anonymous" - though he was quite an overcomer as well. Listen to his struggle:

I do not understand what I do.
For what I want to do I do not do,
but what I hate I do.
And if I do what I do not want to do,
I agree that the law is good.
As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it,
but it is sin living in me.
I know that nothing good lives in me,
that is, in my sinful nature.
For I have the desire to do what is good,
but I cannot carry it out.
For what I do is not the good
I want to do; no,
the evil I do not want to do —
this I keep on doing.
Now if I do what I do not want to do,
it is no longer I who do it,
but it is sin living in me that does it...
...What a wretched man I am!
Who will rescue me
from this body of death?
Thanks be to God —
through Jesus Christ our Lord!
So then, I myself
in my mind am a slave to God's law,
but in the sinful nature
a slave to the law of sin.
Therefore, there is now no condemnation
for those who are in Christ Jesus...
- The Apostle Paul, Rom 7:15-20, 7:23-8:1

P.P.S. One may ask, "Michael, O' honest and selfish person, how do you see yourself: as selfish or as godly?" Good question. When it comes to "who I am," I see myself as a glorious Image Bearer, a reborn son of my heavenly Father, a steward and friend of Jesus (who is my Lord and Master), and one of Jesus' co-rulers in training; someone who desires to please God and sometimes does. When it comes to "where I'm at" (in my maturity), I see myself as one in training, but still extremely selfish. My life testifies to this and so will those who really know me - especially my wife - though she is so accepting of me and patient. We have a saying, "Embrace the core and grace the crud." She embraces my core and shows lots of grace to my crud.

This view of myself, in my understanding,
is in alignment with what the Bible says of me as well as how I'm really doing. With this view, I walk with confidence (in my new identity that Jesus gave me), but also in humility - not being defensive about or denying my immaturity, but, not letting my sins or sinful pulls identify me. I so appreciate the way Paul ends the passage above by declaring in the next chapter, "Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." In this whole process, God is for me (not against me), He is with me (and not distant), and He will never condemn me. He totally accepts me - who I am, and where I'm at, All praise to my Great Shepherd who leads me in His awesome ways of caring for others, and helps me to deal with these sinful and selfish pulls as well as my failures. What a rich salvation we have!

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Don't Be Fooled By Insincere People

Jesus never answered an insincere question directly. He answerd insincere questions with a question. The way He loved insincere people was by helping them be aware of their insincerity and thereby creating an opportunity for them to repent and deal with thier insincerity. Asking questions is a good way to do that. A perfect example is in Matt 21:23-27

Jesus entered the temple courts, and, while he was teaching, the chief priests and the elders of the people came to him. "By what authority are you doing these things?" they asked. "And who gave you this authority ?"

Jesus replied, "I will also ask you one question. If you answer me, I will tell you by what authority I am doing these things. John's baptism — where did it come from? Was it from heaven, or from men?"

They discussed it among themselves and said, "If we say, 'From heaven,' he will ask, 'Then why didn't you believe him?' But if we say, 'From men'-we are afraid of the people, for they all hold that John was a prophet." So they answered Jesus, "We don't know."

Then he said, "Neither will I tell you by what authority I am doing these things.

Don't you admire Jesus' answer? And He wants His followers to be like Him - to follow Him in dealing with insincere people. Here's an example of an insincere question:

"How can a loving God send a person to hell?" Normally, the person asking this question doesn't even beleive there is a hell, or an afterlife. They think hell is a fictitious place. But they'll get all bent out of shape if they think you're saying they'll end up in this "fictitious" place. When they do get angry at me because I'm saying that Jesus is the only way to escape hell, I usually say, "Tell me, do you believe that hell is a literal place - a place of eternal torment?" Usually the answer is, "No!" Then I respond, "So, why is it that you're so upset with people, like me, who are telling you that you may be heading for a place that you believe doesn't even exist?" They have to think about that a little while...and some people actually own up to their insincerity at that point.

And rightly so. Could you imagine someone being upset with me if I proclaimed to them, "You will never get to Never-Never land if you don't believe in Peter Pan"? Can you imagine them getting angry with me and saying, "That is so judgmental of you... how narrow-minded and condemning you are - thinking that the only way I can get to Never-Never land is to believe in Peter Pan!" Of course not! Instead, they'd say, "You're crazy! You're so childish or insane if you really believe in that stuff." But why is it, then, that those people who don't, or won't believe in Jesus, or in heaven and hell, get so upset when I tell them that if they don't believe in Jesus they will not be qualified for heaven - and will end up in hell - a place that they think is as real as Never-Never land?...people who believe in a resurrected Savior as much as they believe in Peter Pan. This is just plain insincerity - or, they really do know in their heart that Jesus, and heaven and hell is all true, and they are possibly feeling nervous about the whole thing.

Bottom line: either one believes in heaven and hell, or he doesn't! If he doesn't believe in hell, then it would be insincere to get upset with one who is so pathetic as I who believes that this "fictious place called hell" is actually real, and that they're going there without believing in Jesus.

I try to be gracious and show compassion to insincere people with the hope that when a person's insincerity is exposed, he/she will consider heaven and hell in a more sincere way. After all, I didn't make this stuff up. Jesus spoke often of heaven and hell as being literal places, so if people have a hard time with this, they need to take it up with Jesus. Just something to think about… and a few passages to ponder:

John 14:6
Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life;
no one comes to the Father but through Me.

John 11:25-26
Jesus said to her, " I am the resurrection and the life;
he who believes in Me will live even if he dies,
and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die.
Do you believe this?

John 6:47-48
"Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes has eternal life.

John 6:40
"For this is the will of My Father,
that everyone who beholds the Son and believes in Him
will have eternal life, and I Myself will raise him up on the last day."

John 8:23-25
And He was saying to them,
"You are from below, I am from above;
you are of this world, I am not of this world.
Therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins;
for unless you believe that I am He,
you will die in your sins."

Matt 10:28-29 Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.

Luke 16:22-24 (actually Luke 16:19-31)
..."The time came when the beggar died and the angels carried him to Abraham's side. The rich man also died and was buried. In hell, where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side. So he called to him, 'Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire.'

Oh - one more passage and thought:

Prov 26:4-5
Do not answer a fool according to his folly,or you will be like him yourself.
Answer a fool according to his folly,or he will be wise in his own eyes.

In other words, don't step into a fool's arena. You'll both come out losers. Create the arena (with your wise and loving response) that will help the person see his folly. So, the next time you sense an insincere question, whatever you do, resist answering his insincere question. Start communing with your Lord and ask Him for a wise and loving word for this insincere person. You may just be surprised how the Spirit will give you such a life-giving word.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Gal 5:6

For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything,
but faith working through love.

The Greatest Show On Earth

(and in the entire universe)

The greatest show in the universe
Takes place right here on earth
It’s happening exclusively
With those of the new birth
The angels are intrigued
And watch with awe from heav’n above
When one frail human rises up with faith
Which works through love

The Creator, Main Character,
The Source of Love directs, enjoys this show of courage and compassion pure;
The greatest Scene, you know, is when His Son
preformed that Act His Father’s so proud of -
And now the spotlight shifts to us:
Our faith which works through love.

You are a star, designed to shine this glory
And as you do
He’s writing His love story
through you

He’s not impressed with fancy speech,
(the Maker of the tongue)
The things man holds in high esteem
He counts them all but dung
There’s really only one great feat
The Father takes note of:
It’s when His son or daughter moves in faith
Which works through love.

The greatest show in the universe
Takes place right here on earth…

© 2007 Michael J. Ledner
written 6/30/2007

[ to hear this song, go to ]

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

. . . only believe

“Do not be afraid. Only believe.” - Jesus (Mark 5:36)

Then he said to Thomas, "Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe." Thomas said to him, "My Lord and my God!" Then Jesus told him, "Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed." (John 20:27-29)“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;I will counsel you and watch over you.” (Ps 32:8)Most of the time, believing God isn’t our initial response to His counsel and instruction to our hearts (as we read His Word, hear His Word taught or in prayer / on the go... as He speaks to our hearts). Initially, we’re afraid, doubting, wondering, or just plain slow in our response when His word comes to our hearts.

And in case we’ve forgotten, we’re ’believers.’ We’re known to the world as believers. That’s because we have believed in the Lord Jesus Christ— that He is who He says He is. We’re now marked as “one of those believers.” But when it comes to actually believing Him throughout the day, throughout our lives, we are weak in our believing—as seen in the lack of joy that accompanies believing.And why does it seem so difficult to simply believe Him—believe what His Word says—believe what He is speaking to our hearts? Because we are fallen creatures and, no matter how much we grow in Him, it will probably not be our initial response until these fallen bodies are glorified.

So, stop getting down on yourself when you find yourself being a doubting Thomas. But don’t stay there… Jesus isn’t always going to come to you as He did with Thomas and say, “Reach out your hand and put into in my side…”. Just start believing and rejoicing! Hey—you’re going to heaven! Do you believe that? Then rejoice! Hey—all your sins are paid in full—and God has set His love on you both now and forever - love that flows like a mighty rushing river! Do you believe that? Then rejoice! He has made you a new person—a companion and partner with Him throughout all eternity.

Do you believe that? Then rejoice! Joy is a way to proclaim your belief to the angels, to the demons and to God; to unashamedly let the whole universe know that you really do believe what God has said. And why shouldn't we believe and rejoice? We're believing in a God who if faithful and true. We have a whole Bible that testifies to His faithfulness and truthfulness. Not only that, we have our own history of God's faithfulness, mercies, and kindnesses - God writing "His-story" into our hearts.God knows that you and I struggle in having that simple child-like faith. The enemy also knows that when a believer simply believes God and rejoices, he/she becomes powerful in God's kingdom and a threat to his. That's why the enemy hits us with all he has the moment he sees us starting to believe God (and gives a double shot when he sees us dare rejoice!).Remember, the Lord is kind and will help us out - even when our heart is doubting. One man said to the Lord, “Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief.” (Luke 9:24). If you're struggling with believing, this is a good place to start.

What is Church

What IS the church? What DOES God say the church is? Has the church been re-defined by culture? Is the church as powerful as God intends it to be? Or, is it weak? Why is it that Christians seem to hop around from ‘church’ to ‘church’? Could it be that many Christians are really just "dating the church" as Joshua Harris writes about in his book entitled, Stop Dating The Church?

As lead pastor of DSC I believe that…

THE CHURCH IS PEOPLE, NOT A BUILDING Dallas Willard has said we are at the mercy of our thoughts. If we embrace a false perspective of Church, it will ultimately lead us to a false experience as the Church. "When we define church as a place we visit, a program we attend, a pastor we follow, or by our personal preferences, we miss God's intentions. The Church is God's people." This is what the Apostle Paul said to the Corinthians:

"The churches in the province of Asia send you greetings. Aquila and Priscilla greet you warmly in the Lord, and so does the church that meets at their house." 1 Cor 16:19

Now, how can a building, or a house meet in a house? The church met at their house. It was people that met in their house. The church is people; a community of people that are committed to the Lord and to each other.

A common pastime of Christians today is "Church-hopping" - going to this church for the teaching, this church for the "worship," and another church for the "fellowship." At first glance, this sounds great— but it’s like a bachelor having many girlfriends and never settling down… "I like Suzie because she’s fun, and I like Judy because she’s serious and contemplative, and I like the way Sally looks." All the pleasures of relationship with no commitment. The problem is, it’s shallow. And our love affair with shallow living keeps us from the abundant life Jesus offers us. The mature believer knows and has experienced this fact of life: the rich life Jesus offers comes only through commitment—whether it’s in a marriage or with people at a local congregation. And our commitment to Him is first and foremost. When the church is being the church, there will be a real sense of family.

IT'S A FAMILY (with a purpose), NOT A SOCIAL CLUB
When we understand that Church is not a building, but people, and that the abundant life is experienced in committed relationships, we then are positioned to enjoy the richness of our extended family—God’s people—caring for each other, being real with each other, and joining together to shine His light—helping others to know Him.

FREE INDEED! The Purpose Behind True Freedom

Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free… so, if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." Jn. 8:31-36Our freedom doesn’t come from our government. It comes from God. And a person is only free, free indeed, when that person is "holding to Jesus’ teaching." Freedom has a purpose—not to do our own thing, but to do God’s will, His purposes. It’s being free to serve God by serving others.
Yes, we are thankful to God to be in a country in which we are free to express ourselves and to pursue happiness. Yet, many pursuers of prosperity and power are miserable. These people are not free inside. That’s because they don’t see the purpose of true freedom.
The Apostle Paul saw freedom’s true purpose and lived it. He said,"Though I am free and belong to no man, I make myself a slave of everyone to win as many as possible...I do this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings." 1 Cor. 9:19-23. Paul was "holding to Jesus’ teaching" and hit freedom’s true purpose—which is serving the Lord by serving others in order to lead them to a relationship with Jesus. He understood that true freedom was only attained through being committed to His cause, and he knew the secret of freedom: was to be a slave to Jesus & His will.
Nobody is really free from serving a master. The Bible says that we are slaves to the one we obey (Rom 6:15-23). We’re only free to choose our master—which can be Satan and sin, or Jesus and His love. Being an American doesn’t automatically make one free inside. Being a sold-out follower of Jesus makes us truly free—free to be His servant.
A good question to ask is, "Am I truly free?"Let’s always be thankful for the outward freedoms we have in this great country, and thankful for those people who gave their lives to secure those freedoms. This 4th of July enjoy the barbecue, the fireworks, the friends and family, the freedom to express yourself. But let’s also keep in the back of our mind what true freedom is all about.

The Awesome Journey Of The Devoted Believer

Devotion is the Christian’s wholehearted surrender to the Jesus, and following Him as our "Audience Of One." It’s the qualifier for an eternal partnership with Jesus. Devotion is the appropriate response to Jesus’ love and devotion He has shown, is showing and will show to us.Devotion begins when Jesus wins the heart and wins the trust of a believer.
To some believers, this happens the moment of conversion. To others, it takes some time (some believers have a difficult time being convinced that Jesus may actually have a better life to offer than the one they’re pursuing).Then, and this is crucial for true victory, devotion demands that the believer locks all the secret "back doors" in his life, his heart, and gives the keys to Jesus.
Next, the devoted follower steps on to a pathway that leads to a co-rulership with Jesus. The obstacles on that path usually hit us when we're not expecting. So this "walk" demands trust. But, since Jesus has won the heart, trust is the only course of action for the devoted believer. And trust is learned in the land of trials and tribulation; the same place character is built.A Christian’s devotion is the anchor that steadies him in those times of testing when all hell seems to break loose. Devotion says, "I’m staying. I’m pressing on. I have no other place to go." Devotion is the only way in which the believer can truly grow. It’s an awesome adventure—journeying from faith to faith, glory to glory.
Without a devoted heart, the believer just stays in the spins of the world, flesh and devil...kind of like Bill Murray living "Groundhog Day" over and over and over. We're all stuck in a similiar Groundhog Day spin until we secure our devotion to Jesus Christ.Devotion, our appropriate response to His devotion toward us, sets us free to journey on the pathway called Fruitfulness and Great Reward.

Two Judgments are Coming!